Awards Finalists
SOPA Announces 2021 Awards for Editorial Excellence Finalists and Winners!
1. Excellence in Reporting on Women’s Issues (卓越女性議題報道獎)
Award for Excellence: VICE World News, When They Killed Our Men
Honorable Mention: Al Jazeera English, India’s Highway of Shame
Finalist: The Washington Post, In Philippines, a child alleges abuse by Catholic priest — and tests Vatican promise for global reckoning
Award for Excellence: GMA News Online, The Children Are All Grown Up Now
Honorable Mention: Rappler, Nowhere to run: To cross coronavirus border, prostituted women are abused by cops
Finalist: The World of Chinese, Hunger Games: Eating Disorders Maim a New Generation of Young Chinese Women
Award for Excellence: 端傳媒 Initium Media, 女性抗爭者李翹楚: 「我有英雄情結,但我幻想的英雄是我自己」 Female activist Li Qiaochu: “I have a hero complex, but my fantasy hero is myself”
Honorable Mention: BBC 中文BBC Chinese, 《助守在异乡》:揭开台湾家庭印尼佣工的真实生活 Representing the crisis and victories of women in East and Southeast Asia
Finalist: 联合早报 Lianhe Zaobao, 《跨性别女性的美丽与哀愁》 The Beauty and Woes of Transgender Women
2. Excellence in Journalistic Innovation (卓越新聞報道創新獎)
Award for Excellence: Bloomberg, The Covid Resilience Ranking
Honorable Mention: The Wall Street Journal, How the Coronavirus Spread
Finalist: Reuters, Analysing Australia’s catastrophic bushfires
Award for Excellence: GMA News Online, What I Wore That Day
Honorable Mention: ABS-CBN News, TAAL: Through Eruption and Pandemic
Finalist: Malaysiakini, MP Game
Award for Excellence: 報導者 The Reporter, 從租用到迫遷—南鐵東移,25年政策與地貌的轉變 25 Years Controversy over Tainan Urban District Railway Underground Project
Honorable Mention: 聯合報 United Daily News, 她們的故事 Her Story
Finalist: READr, 即時口罩存量查詢地圖 COVID-19: The mask map in Taiwan
3. Excellence in Video Reporting (卓越視頻報道獎)
Award for Excellence: The New York Times, Wearing a Mask? It May Come From China’s Controversial Labor Program
Honorable Mention: Agence France-Presse, Eight Days in Wuhan: Cut Off From the World
Finalist: BBC World Service, Meeting the son I thought was dead
Award for Excellence: ABS-CBN News, Pangarap ni Chito: Kuwento ng jeepney driver na naninirahan sa nakaparadang jeep (Driver lives inside his jeepney as lockdown halts public transpo)
Honorable Mention: Rappler, Exiled by pandemic, seafarers face peril
Finalist: Sixth Tone, The Workshop of the World, Unraveled
Award for Excellence: 端傳媒 Initium Media, 超過16000枚催淚彈,給香港留下了什麼?What’s Left of Hong Kong After Over 16000 Tear Gas Bombs?
Honorable Mention: 端傳媒 Initium Media, 制裁風暴,行業積弱,誰能拯救香港製造? Hit hard by sanctions and structural weaknesses, how can Hong Kong manufacturers survive?
Finalist: 蘋果日報 Apple Daily, 流亡台灣的365日 林榮基重開銅鑼灣書店反抗中共 365 days of the exiled bookseller in Taiwan, the road to reopening the banned bookstore
4. Excellence in Human Rights Reporting (卓越人權報道獎)
Award for Excellence: The Associated Press, China Cracks Down – The Uighurs
Honorable Mention: The Wall Street Journal, Facebook: A Conduit for Hate in India
Finalist: The Wall Street Journal, Xi Jinping’s “China Solution”
Award for Excellence: The Wire, From Segregation to Labour, Manu’s Caste Law Governs the Indian Prison System
Honorable Mention: Philippine Center for Investigative Journalism, Philippine Jails are a Covid-19 Time Bomb
Finalist: Frontier Myanmar, Shan farmer’s killing leaves villagers burning with anger
Award for Excellence: 立場新聞 Stand News, 青山灣的呼聲:羈留者絕食抗爭 Voices of the Castle Peak Bay Immigration Centre Hunger strike for detainees’ rights
Honorable Mention: 立場新聞 Stand News, 黑箱維權記:十二港人送中 內地律師、香港家屬與協助者奔走營救 Human rights cover-up Lawyers, families and supporters looking for ways to rescue twelve Hong Kongers detained in mainland
Finalist: 端傳媒 Initium Media, 巴迪族集體死亡事件調查 An Investigation of the mass death of Batek tribe in Malaysia
5. Excellence in Feature Writing (卓越專題特寫獎)
Award for Excellence: The Economist’s 1843 Magazine, The coronavirus cruise: on board the Diamond Princess
Honorable Mention: The Wire China, Death of a Quantum Man
Finalist: Outside Magazine, The True Story of the White Island Eruption
Award for Excellence: GMA News Online, The Children Are All Grown Up Now
Honorable Mention: New Naratif and VOD, Medical Waste Collectors
Finalist: Sixth Tone, The Wuhan Pneumonia Patient Trapped Between Despair and Hope
Award for Excellence: 報導者 The Reporter, 357天等待職災補償的折磨:一名泰國移工之死 357 Days of Waiting Compensation: A Death of a Thailand Migrant Worker
Honorable Mention: 立場新聞 Stand News, 黑箱維權記:十二港人送中 內地律師、香港家屬與協助者奔走營救 Human rights cover-up Lawyers, families and supporters looking for ways to rescue twelve Hong Kongers detained in mainland
Finalist: 多維Duowei News, “消声”的中国自由派China’s “Silenced” Liberals
6. Excellence in Magazine Design (卓越雜誌設計獎)
Award for Excellence: S&P Global Platts, Insight magazine – September 2020
Honorable Mention: This Week In Asia, TOURISM WAKES UP
Finalist: Nikkei Asian Review, The new Nikkei Asia
Award for Excellence:《號外》CITY MAGAZINE, 亞洲當下的美學啟動 電子超級高速公路上的藝術短片發展 NOWNESS ASIA
Honorable Mention:《生活》月刊 LIFE MAGAZINE, 境转新生 Continue to Grow
Finalist: 《美好家居》Home Journal,《美好家居》2020年10月號 (40周年特刊) / Home Journal Oct 2020 (40 Years – A New Renaissance)
7. Excellence in Arts & Culture Reporting (卓越藝術及文化報道獎)
Award for Excellence: Financial Times, South Korea confronts the challenges facing women in the country
Honorable Mention: The Economist, The space between the lines: Culture in Xi Jinping’s China
Finalist: The Wall Street Journal, Why BTS Runs the World
Award for Excellence: Frontier Myanmar, Dubious legends: The Tatmadaw’s propaganda fail
Honorable Mention: Sixth Tone, Future Nostalgia: China’s Video Games Plug Into Ancient Culture
Finalist: Sixth Tone, In China’s Villages, Bullfighting Enjoys a Bloody Renaissance
Award for Excellence: 蘋果日報Apple Daily, 香港低慾望時代 Hong Kong’s Low Desire
Honorable Mention: 歪脑|WHYNOT, 香港文艺创作者:在禁忌的土地上,能生出倔强的花吗?Hong Kong Arts Creators: Can an Unbending Flower be Brought Forth in Forbidden Soil?
Finalist: Radio Free Asia, 抗命的香港艺术文化 Arts on the Resistance Frontline
8. Excellence in Explanatory Reporting (卓越解釋性報道獎)
Award for Excellence: The Wall Street Journal, Xi Jinping’s “China Solution”
Honorable Mention: Reuters, Democracy Darkens in Hong Kong
Finalist: The Wire China, U.S.-China Decoupling In Practice
Award for Excellence: Sixth Tone, China’s Two-Child Policy, Five Years On
Honorable Mention: Rappler, Filipino seafarers face perils, death at sea
Finalist: Sixth Tone, Inside Wuhan’s ‘Fangcang’ Shelter Hospitals
Award for Excellence: Taiwan Public Television Service, 解讀共機擾台政治意涵 台海成中美角力戰場 China, regular of Taiwan’s ADIZ|2020 Cross-strait relations
Honorable Mention: 天下雜誌 | CommonWealth Magazine, 《天下雜誌》707期〈迎戰美豬 台灣怎麼贏?〉Taking on U.S. Pork: How Taiwan Can Win
Finalist: 聯合報 United Daily News, 108課綱上路周年追蹤報導 One Year On: 108 Curriculum Follow-Up
9. Excellence in Business Reporting (卓越經濟報道獎)
Award for Excellence: The Wall Street Journal, Facebook: A Conduit for Hate in India
Honorable Mention: The New York Times, With Technology, China Seizes Control
Finalist: The Information, Inside Apple
Award for Excellence: Frontier Myanmar, Myanmar’s billion-dollar border racket
Honorable Mention: Frontier Myanmar, KBZ takes Yangon port operator to court over massive debts
Finalist: Sixth Tone, China’s African Traders Confront a Formidable New Foe: Alibaba
Award for Excellence: 端傳媒 Initium Media, 德國大眾汽車的中國「依賴」:加速容易減速難 Volkswagen’s “dependency” on China: easier to speed up, difficult to slow-down
Honorable Mention: 商業周刊Business Weekly, 後疫情世界100關鍵趨勢 100 Trends in the Post-Pandemic World
Finalist: 端傳媒 Initium Media, 產地直擊:ECFA十年,兩岸「經濟合作架構協議」成功了嗎? Blessing or curse: Taiwan and China mark 10th anniversary of trade agreement as the cross-strait relations sour
10. SOPA Award for Young Journalists (亞洲出版業協會最佳新人記者大獎)
Award for Excellence: Los Angeles Times, Alice Su, Xinjiang Camp Survivors Speak
Finalist: The Wall Street Journal, Dasl Yoon, How South Korea Solved Its Acute Hospital-Bed Shortage
Finalist VICE World News, Gavin Butler, Airlines are Making Australians Fly Business Class to Get Home
Award for Excellence: 端傳媒 Initium Media, 王浠 Wang Xi, 確診名單外的死亡患者
Finalist: 壹週刊Next Magazine , Carey Chung 鍾欣諺, 國產溫度計|餐廳放蛇實測 體溫29度照放行 「求其度」掀爆疫危機 Made-In-China Thermometers|Body Temperature Taken Shown as 29 degrees, Erroneous Measurement Heat Up Covid Pandemic
Finalist: Radio Free Asia, Xiaoshan Xue (薛小山), “厦门聚会案” 周年回顾 Xiaoshan Xue “Xiamen 1226 citizen case” – annual review
11. Excellence in Information Graphics (卓越數據圖像獎)
NOTE: Combined Global/Regional category (due to not receiving more than 5 entries)
Award for Excellence: Reuters, Visualising the coronavirus pandemic
Honorable Mention: South China Morning Post, Coronavirus: the disease Covid-19 explained
Finalist: Reuters, Sizing up Australia’s bushfires
Award for Excellence: READr, 五千篇事實查核報告分析:武漢肺炎假訊息戰役 COVID-19 Disinformation War:5000 Fact-checking Reports Analysis
Honorable Mention: 立場新聞 Stand News, 反送中案件統計系列 Statistics on cases in Anti-Extradition Law Amendment Bill Movement
Finalist: 立場新聞 Stand News, 未解的真相 周梓樂之死 3D 模擬事發現場 Unrevealed truth: using life-sized 3D image and VR technology to present the “The death of Chow Tsz-lok” in court
12. Excellence in Reporting Breaking News (卓越突發新聞獎)
NOTE: Combined Global/Regional category (due to not receiving more than 5 entries)
Award for Excellence: The Wall Street Journal, Rushing Into Wuhan
Honorable Mention: The New York Times, Inside Wuhan
Finalist: Financial Times, Inside the heart of the pandemic: China’s struggle to control the virus and the narrative
Award for Excellence: 商業周刊 Business Weekly, 冰封中國關鍵報告 Frozen China
Honorable Mention: 報導者 The Reporter, 世紀之疫:病毒、人性、新世界 COVID-19:Virus, Humanity, New World
Finalist: 今周刊 Business Today, 勞動基金弊案揭密 The Reveal of The Labor Funds Fraud
13. Excellence in Opinion Writing (卓越評論獎)
Award for Excellence: Bloomberg, Why I’m Losing Hope in India
Honorable Mention: The Economist, The Economist’s Chaguan column
Finalist: The Wall Street Journal, The Hollowing Out of Hong Kong
Award for Excellence: Sixth Tone, Legal Scholar He Haibo on the Overdue End of China’s ‘Custody and Education’ Program
Honorable Mention: Hong Kong Free Press, Hong Kong’s protest movement in perspective
Finalist: Philippine Daily Inquirer, Get Real
Award for Excellence: 澎湃新闻网 The Paper, 人们为什么不喜欢 “文明码” Why People Don’t Like “Civilization Code”
Honorable Mention: 亞洲週刊 Yazhou Zhoukan, 台灣民選獨裁幕後 綠營新威權主義現象 The origin of Taiwan “Electoral Dictatorship”, the phenomenon of DPP “New Authoritarianism”.
Finalist: 亞洲週刊 Yazhou Zhoukan, 內蒙民族融和糾結 大熔爐模式掀風暴 The struggle of ethnic integration in Inner Mongolia, the storm made by “Melting Pot” Model.
14. Excellence in Reporting on the Environment (卓越環境報道獎)
Award for Excellence: The Washington Post, How China is choking the Mekong
Honorable Mention: The Economist, The Outlaw Sea
Finalist: VICE World News, Land Defenders Are Killed in the Philippines for Protesting Canadian Mining
Award for Excellence: The World of Chinese, China’s Hidden Rural Waste Crisis
Honorable Mention: Sixth Tone, The Fierce Debate Over Shanghai’s New Forest
Finalist: Eco-Business, Vietnamese rubber giant razes indigenous lands as Cambodian government grapples with legacy land issues
Award for Excellence: Taiwan Public Television Service, 《垃圾滿島》台灣燒不盡的廢棄物困境 Garbage Island: Taiwan’s Endless Waste Dilemma
Honorable Mention: 天下雜誌 | CommonWealth Magazine, 《天下雜誌》714期〈瘋狂光電 發財夢〉Solar Power Fueling Dreams of Riches
Finalist: 北京数可视科技有限公司 Beijing Data Visualization Technology, 被砍断的地球之肺—跨国木材贸易报道 The Chain
15. Excellence in Photography (卓越攝影獎)
Award for Excellence: Agence France-Presse, Wuhan: Coronavirus Ground Zero
Honorable Mention: The New York Times, Adam Dean and Thailand Protests
Finalist: Getty Images, Taal Volcano Eruption
Award for Excellence: Sixth Tone, Floating Life: China’s Flood Victims Pick Up the Pieces
Honorable Mention: The World of Chinese, Of Ice and Men: The Thousand-Year Ice-fishing Tradition on Chagan Lake
Finalist: Philippine Daily Inquirer, A river of rage runs through it
Award for Excellence: 端傳媒 Initium Media, 抗爭與審判 Protests and Trials in Hong Kong
Honorable Mention: 端傳媒 Initium Media, 武漢之春 Wuhan’s Spring
Finalist: 香港01有限公司 HK01, 許智峯的2020年 Ted Hui’s Year of 2020
16. The Scoop Award (獨家新聞獎)
NOTE: Combined Global/Regional category (due to not receiving more than 5 entries)
Award for Excellence: The Associated Press, China Confronts COVID-19
Honorable Mention: Financial Times, Wirecard: Germany’s fintech giant that turned out to be a fraud
Finalist: The Wall Street Journal, Identifying the New Virus
Award for Excellence: 蘋果日報Apple Daily, 飛行服務隊兩度出動疑追蹤12人快艇 「不知情」說法揭警謊 GFS conducted surveillance on speedboat of 12 fleeing Hongkongers under police order
Honorable Mention: 傳真社 FactWire, 警:CID未到群眾已走 傳真社721片段顯示防暴警讓路予白衣人駕車離開 Police: Crowd flees before CID arrives; 7/21 footage from FactWire shows riot police allowed “White Shirts” to drive away
Finalist: 今周刊 Business Today, 勞動基金弊案揭密 The Reveal of The Labor Funds Fraud
17. Excellence in Investigative Reporting (卓越調查報道獎)
Award for Excellence: The Associated Press, Fruits of Labor
Honorable Mention: International Consortium of Investigative Journalists, Malaysiakini, The Asahi Shimbun, BuzzFeed News and more than 100 other media partners around the world, The FinCEN Files
Finalist: The Wall Street Journal, Covid’s Ground Zero
Award for Excellence: Sixth Tone, Inside China’s Black Market for Foster Children
Honorable Mention: Frontier Myanmar, Shining light on Shwe Kokko
Finalist: Sixth Tone, China’s Anti-Poverty Campaign: The View from the Villages
Award for Excellence: 報導者 The Reporter, 安毒幽靈──毒梟、死囚、施用者,台灣人在亞洲的毒品「長征」 Drug Lords, Death Row Prisoners, Drug Addicts: Taiwanese’s Long March in Asia’s Illegal Drug Trade
Honorable Mention: 天下雜誌 | CommonWealth Magazine, 《天下雜誌》714期〈瘋狂光電 發財夢〉Solar Power Fueling Dreams of Riches
Finalist: 報導者 The Reporter, 合法、廉價、24小時到貨 ── 1年26萬公斤的工業笑氣,如何毒害年輕人? Unregulated, Cheap and 24/7 Available: How Hundreds of Tons of Industrial-use Laughing Gas Silently Poisons the Young?
18. SOPA Award for Public Service Journalism (亞洲出版業協會公共服務新聞大獎)
Award for Excellence: 香港電台 Radio Television Hong Kong, 鏗鏘集: 7.21誰主真相 Hong Kong Connection:7.21 Who owns the Truth
Finalist: 天下雜誌 | CommonWealth Magazine, 揭開廢棄物黑幕 Tracking Down Taiwan’s Industrial Polluters
Finalist: Malaysiakini, Malaysiakini Covid-19 tracker + List of Locations
NOTE: This list is based on the titles of entries as submitted. Due to system limitations, the above links lead to just one story in each entry, even for entries that consisted of a package of related stories. The judges took into consideration the entire package of stories in making their decisions.
Please be reminded that any articles on this list used for promotional purposes at any time should wherever possible display the SOPA 2021 Awards logo and include a link to Thank you.